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Safe Miners keep Mines Alive

Electronic Permit-to-Work

10th June 2020 — Caroline Carter, RSPH (as published on Creamer Media’s Engineering News)

Given that the landscape of health and safety in general has been in the spotlight and efforts have been substantially intensified, surely it would make sense to revamp the entire health and safety strategy to ensure longevity of the process and sustained benefits to both the workers and the mines long-term?

We could easily compare the devastating effects of accidental injury with the spread of infection, as both are devastating to the mining industry. Since Covid-19 safety measures are now mandated, we maintain that we should be addressing total mine safety.

At a time when everything seems uncertain it would make sense to seek to implement transparent systems that provide clarity for all stakeholders. Again, with safety for all in mind, electronic permits-to-work can be implemented remotely within weeks, provided the on-site teams are results driven with a view to total workplace safety.

Read the full article here

For more information on:  IntelliPERMIT Permit-to-Work system

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